On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, Tim Howe wrote:
>Well, adobe helvetica and others that are installed by default seem
>to "think" they have iso8859-3 encoding otions, but when I look at it
>under xfontsel, I don't see all the characters I need for the Esperanto
>alphabet...  Do I need special Xmodmap entries or something???

No.  Xmodmap configures your keyboard.  It has no effect on what characters
your screen will display.  (And if you have XKB turned on in your X
server, don't use xmodmap at all...it'll fight with XKB, possibly causing
lots of confusion.)

What does xfd show for your font?  You'll probably find xfd more
informative that xfontsel, since xfd shows all the characters in the
requested encoding, whereas xfontsel only shows a subset of the available

For example, on my system I can type

     xfd -fn -monotype-arial-regular-r-normal--0-180-0-0-p-0-iso8859-3

to see the entire ISO Latin 3 character set rendered in 18-point Arial.
The downside, of course, is the need to type that huge font name...
here's a trick that can ease the pain:

     xfd -fn "`xfontsel -print`"

That puts up an xfontsel window where you can choose a font, and when you
click "Quit", xfd displays the selected font (be very careful with the
quotes--it has to be backward single quotes on the inside, surrounded by
double quotes).

               - Neil Parker

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