I'm sure this is really simple but I'm having some difficulties getting
some ethernet cards configured under OpenBSD

the cards are Intel EtherExpress Pro 100 and the man pages suggest that
I need to turn on some kernel configuration options so that I need to turn
on the fxp driver and use inphy

config -e -o bsd.test /bsd

but once in, I'm seeing no difference between the options for inphy
which does not work and the ones for rlphy which is passing packets now

the last two attributes in both cases are "phy -1 flags 0x0"

enable inphy

returns " 6 inphy* already enabled"

Obviously there is something I'm not understanding about what the
information displayed by config and about what I can or should do about it

I'm attaching the output of dmesg in case that has useful info.

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