The Psychosis is inconsequential as there was no psychosis, it was just a ploy 
to fool quaid into taking a sedative. Probably a better comparison would be 
quaids new life/wife vs his real life (memorys that have been erased and new 
ones transplanted).

I find it interesting that the part about one man/company witholding essential 
resources to control the masses and profit is far closer to reality than 


On Wednesday 28 May 2003 02:27 pm, Harald Sundt wrote:
: Which is the Realer reality,...remember Matrix, the traitor DIDN'T
: car if the steak was "real" as long as it tasted Realistic!
: The "Psychosis" in Total Recall was "Believing the Dream"...ain't
: that the Matrix?
: Hal
: >I searched online, and found this copy of the script...
: >
: >
: >It makes no reference to the pill. The reference Ill assume that your
: >referring to is when the Dr tells quaid that he's having a "schizophrenic
: >embolism", and he needs to take the pill or he will be "stuck in permanent
: >psychosis."
: >This isnt a the same as take the red pill/blue pill... but it  is
: > simular...
: >
: >I forgot to mention a few newwer films based on PKD. Imposter and Minority
: >Report. Very few of dicks books have become movies... the guy was a real
: >tweek and wrote a lot of books (most around 200 pages). Some he wrote in
: > one night (a  lot of coffee...) I think my personal favorite is UBIK, but
: > its difficlut to pick just one...
: >
: >Jamie
: >
: >On Tuesday 27 May 2003 10:48 pm, Linux Rocks! wrote:
: >: well.. no, actually neither wrote total recal, PK Dick wrote "we will
: >: remember it for you wholesale" someone else wrote the screenplay total
: >: recal. Ive actually read them both (the screenplay was different than
: >: the movie(many revisions...).
: >: PK Dick also wrote "Do androids dream of electronic sheep" Which became
: >: Blade Runner, tragicly Dick died before it was released.
: >:
: >: PK Dick wrote a lot of really excellent Sci-Fi, Personally I cant think
: >: of anyone Id rather read :)
: >:
: >: Jamie
: >:
: >: Tim Howe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: >: > I thought Piers Anthony wrote Total Recall...
: >: > I remember a pill in that one.
: >: >
: >: > TimH
: >: >
: >: > On Tue, 27 May 2003 16:55:29 -0700
: >: >
: >: > Harald Sundt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: >: > > Pay attention  NEO-phytes...the red or blue pill choice originated
: >: > > in P.K. Dick's short story TOTAL RECALL!
: >: > >
: >: > > >Harald Sundt wrote:
: >: > > >>ns.
: >: > > >>
: >: > > >>This passionate Fictive-Bubble of Reality and what issues are is a
: >: > > >>Prison and freedom isn't liberation into either Liberal or
: >: > > >>Conservative Media Constructs.
: >: > > >>
: >: > > >>It is the liberation only shunning the media construct (Matrix)
: >: > > >> and looking into academic and street level realities can give
: >: > > >> you.
: >: > > >>
: >: > > >>root: chmod 111 C
: >: > > >>
: >: > > >>Which color pill, Neo?
: >: > > >>
: >: > > >>Hal
: >: > > >>
: >: > > >>Those who have a clearer view of things listen much more often
: >: > > >> than they speak.
: >: > >
: >: > > From Matrix reloaded: So are you red or blue in this?
: >: > >
: >: > > >John
: >: > > >
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: >: > --
: >: > "A time comes when silence is betrayal. Men do not easily assume the
: >: > task of opposing their government's policy, especially in time of war.
: >: > We must speak with all the humility that is appropriate to our limited
: >: > vision, but we must speak. For we are deeply in need of a new way
: >: > beyond the darkness so close around us... We are called upon to speak
: >: > for the weak, for the voiceless, for the victims of our nation, for
: >: > those it calls enemy, for no document from human hands can make these
: >: > humans any less our brothers." Martin Luther King Jr.
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: >--
: >Eh, that's it, I guess.  No 300 million dollar unveiling event for this
: >kernel, I'm afraid, but you're still supposed to think of this as the
: >"happening of the century" (at least until the next kernel comes along).
: >     -- Linus, in the announcement for 1.3.27
: >
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