On Thu, Jun 19, 2003 at 10:22:48AM -0700, Bob Miller wrote:
> Timothy Bolz wrote:
> > I have a box which the CD ROM is going bad.  I don't want to get another one 
> > since it isn't used that often.  Can I point Debian to another machine on my 
> > network to install the files from a CD ROM whch does work?  I know I can 
> > apt-get the stuff from the net but over a 56k it takes forever.  I'd rather 
> > pull it off one on my other Debian machines.  What command would I use to 
> > point it to a particular machine.
> Edit /etc/apt/sources.list.  Change www.debian.org to <yourhostname>
> throughout.  Don't replace security.debian.org or non-us.debian.org.

Of course you need an ftp/http/samba/nfs type server running on the
remote machine with a file share setup to point to the cdrom.  I'd say
apt-get install wu-ftpd, then configure it for anonymous access (perhaps
default) and mount the cdrom inside the ftp root.  Then you just have to
figure the path to the dists directory for /etc/apt/sources.list.

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