$66 and a $27 fee = $93
Jim K

Rob Hudson wrote:

Do you know how much it is?

On 20030619.1745, Horst said ...

All -- those of you interested in Chris Meyers' class should sign up very soooon.
Should you have any questions feel free to contact Chris by email or by
phone (see below)

- Horst

Course Information Python for Fun Summer Term, 2003

       Thursdays 6pm to 9pm; Jun 26 to Aug 14 DTC room 124.
  Instructor: Chris Meyers. 343-4349  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Course Description.
An introduction to programming and to the Python language and its
vast library of extendable modules. Covers the basics of programming
as well as a offering a look at the power of todays modern languages.

Course Objectives.  By the end of the course you should be
- acquainted with how computers are basically programmed
- familiar with the core of the Python language and how it
  compares with other languages such as C, Basic, Java, and Javascript
- able to write and debug small programs
- comfortable exploring Python on own using online sources
  and literature.

Class Format:
Each class will meet for 3 hours with a 15 minute break
about midway. The course will be a combination of lecture and hands
on with Python on the computer along with some challenge problems for homework.

Required Materials:
 None, but I will recommend some books that are available.
 Much of the course will be structured around the online book "How to
 Think like a Computer Scientist" which may be freely printed out and

Disability Services:
If you are in need of academic support because of a documented disability
(whether it be psychiatric, learning, mobility, health-related, or
sensory), you may be eligible for academic accommodations through Disability
Services. Contact Disability Services at 747-4501, ext. 2150 or TTY 741- 3079,
or stop by our office in Center 217.

Week 1: The nature of computation. What do computers REALLY do?
The nature of algorithms. nesting, looping, recursion
The 1st program. Compared with Java, C, C++ Simple data values. int, long, float. operators (+,-,*,/,**,%)
Boolean and string values. An introduction.
variables and namespaces

Week 2: Functions. Built in. (type,len,id,int,float,str). Coercion
  User written functions. indentation.
  Flow of execution. Stack Diagrams
  Parameters and arguments. Return values, Local vars
  Conditional execution. if, elif, else
  1st real-world function. tax.py
  First recursive functions. Avoiding infinite recursion
  Iteration with "while"

Week 3: Compound data items. Strings again. sequences and slices.
  String formatting operations with "%"
  For loops iterate over sequences. range function
  string module. 1st import.
  Example functions with for, while, and recursion.
  Lists. sequences, slices, and membership. "+" and "*" ops

Week 4: Mutable objects. As parameters to functions. cloning
List methods. len, sort, reverse, etc.
Tuples are immutable lists. Tuple and list assignment
Dictionaries. initializing, modifying. Methods for dictionaries: len, keys, values, items, has_key, get, copy
Uses for dictionaries. lookups, existence, secret lives.

Week 5: File I/O. How files are organized.
  File operations: open, close, read*, write*, seek.
  Example programs to copy and filter files.
  Python exceptions. Traceback. try, except, raise.
  Using pickle module to save Python data to disk.
  A simple report program

Week 6:
  Objects. Simplest class definition. Add attributes by setting them.
  Objects and methods. __init__ constructor method
  Objects and inheritance. Play with animal classes.

Week 7:
 Exploring the Python library.
 string, re, glob, httplib, getopt,random,socket,webbrowser

Week 8:
 basic graphics. drawing shapes
 bouncing balls, tower of hanoi
 Gui programming. Tk widgets


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