... I forgot to mention another feature of a high-level language that
helps with rapid development:
        the garbage collector.
        (which I first learned to appreciate in Java :-)
 I still remember having to write full featured C++ classes with default
constructor, copy constructor (plus all the other overloaded
constructors), destructor, overloading assigment and other operators, and
on and on...
 But why worry -- memory leaks only happen in theory, right?

 - Horst

As variation for illustration:
from sys import getrefcount
def swap(a,b):
        return b,a, "refcount in swap: " + str(getrefcount('foo'))
a, b = 'foo', 'bar'
print "refcount('foo') before swap", getrefcount('foo')
print swap(a,b)
print "refcount('foo') after swap", getrefcount('foo')

On Sat, 21 Jun 2003, Horst wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Neil Parker wrote:
> > On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Ben Barrett wrote:
> > >So, what is the problem we are really looking at?
> > >There are so many negative sentiments regarding Java,
> > >but I think it has its benefits, and is worth knowing
> > >what it is good for... right tool / right job, after all.
> Sure, there is a price you pay for having (safer) references instead of
> plain pointers. (seat belts restrict your mobility)
> But what is the price we pay for having null-pointers, dangling pointers,
> buffer overflow ?  --the hackers love it :-)
> >

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