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On Wed, Jun 25, 2003 at 11:29:37PM -0700, Ben Barrett wrote:
> So, Gentoo is forking and Zynot is hosting the new work up the valley at
> Oregon State U:
> http://www.zynot.org/info/faq.html
> get the banter about it at:
> http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/06/26/048221&mode=thread&tid=106&tid=185

I talked to #gentoo-dev tonight about this.  I can't say I am particularly
pleased or satisfied with the results.

Gentoo has a couple hundred people working on it, but Gentoo Technologies,
Inc. is wholly owned by Dan Robbins.  Wholly owned, as in, it's a
for-profit corporation.  It's not making any money, but there are plans
for it to be at some point.  Did I mention that he's the only employee?

There has been talk about making Gentoo Technologies, Inc. a non-profit,
but Dan Robbins tonight carefully avoided saying he was interested in that
kind of thing.  In fact, what he did say indicated that it shouldn't be a
big deal given that it's not really that much money anyway.  However, all
of Gentoo's code is owned by a company with exactly one employee and
owner.  Given the vague and non-committal aspect of the conversation, I
have my concerns.

- -- 
Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        A man wrapped up in himself
                                               makes a very small package.
<acf> knghtbrd: evidence exists that X is only the *2nd* worst windowing
      system ;)
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