I'm pretty sure I've read that this is the most common way to listen to
audio CD's in linux -- DMA or at least reading the bits directly off the
CD.  I guess very few linux users listen to CD's on their systems!


   Ben B

On Thu, 26 Jun 2003 06:51:24 -0700
Rodney Mishima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| At 01:42 PM 6/26/2003 +0000, you wrote:
| >Are you sure?  I've never seen a Widoze box play music without that
| >sound cable.
| I can verify what Mr. O says. In Win, one can activate DMA for the
| ATAPI CD-ROM device, use DIgital Audio extraction, and NOT connect the
| cable for analog output; playback an Audio CD and get sound on
| speakers.
| Can anyone refute the assertion that Linux can NOT do DMA, DIgital
| Audio extraction; i.e., playback an Audio CD WITHOUT the analog output
| cable connected to the sound card???
| Rodney
| >Mr O ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
| > >
| > >Hmm, Windows will do it, linux won't. No bueno. Anybody play
| > >audio CD's on their systems without a sound cable attached to
| > >their drives? It isn't neccessary in Windoze since the audio is
| > >extracted and played via DMA I believe. I checked and cranked
| > >all available volumes in 'aumix' to no avail. I can use Grip to
| > >pull the audio and play the .ogg files but I don't have audible
| > >audio directly off the CD! Google isn't turning up anything
| > >useful either.
| > >
| > >Me
| >
| >
| >--
| >Bob Crandell
| >Assured Computing
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