I just noticed this old message, in the bottom of my mailbox -- and
wanted to remind folks that tomorrow, July 25th, is the annual "day out
of time", and the 26th is Mayan new year's day (for the solar calendar).

cheers and happy new year!

Red Planetary Skywalker, "10 Ben", is the name of this year's new year's
day, as well as the new year.  BTW, Ben does not refer to my name, it is
the Mayan name -- mine would be "Ix", 'EE-sh'...  anywhoo, it's a neat
calendar, and ties into a software project I've been scheming on:  a
completely redesigned calendrical user interace, that allows one to
select a single date, or compare multiple dates and/or ranges --
allowing for multiple (and switching) views on the same information,
between calendrical systems and also say different calendars within the
mayan system.  I don't quite know how to describe my ideas yet,
but "cyclical forests", anyone?



On Tue, 9 Nov 1999 12:34:10 -0800 (PST)
Ben Barrett <via-defunct-address> wrote:

| The Mayans used (were shown?) a vigiesimal (sp!) system,
| base 20, (also the notion of "zero").  Pretty smart dudes,
| They must've seen their toes every day.
| They also used 13 a lot, which is ~ the number of moons in a solar
| year. 13x20=260days, the "sacred round"
| 13(moons)x28days=364+1("day out of time")=365, the "secular calendar"
| also 20(vinals=months)x18days=360+5("days out of time")=365 again
| solar
| and the 260-day and 365-day calendars meet at any same point every 52
| (solar) years, which is some sort of galactic season
| (I thought it was our rotation around the galactic center,
|   but have been told that this takes 52,000 years )...
| -ben
| In Lake'ch, my kin ("I am another yourself", a salutation)
| > Well, Some people are so dumb, they can only count to 21 when they
| > are naked.
| > 
| > Besides, everyone knows 23 is the number.  or maybe 42....
| > Seth

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