I've never seen that.  Which version of Mozilla?

THe only thing I can think of is to traverse to your mozilla directory
and cd into defaults/pref/.  Find unix.js and open it up.  In there
you've got some font preferences you can play with.

See if freetype2 is enabled:
// TrueType
pref("font.FreeType2.enable", true);
pref("font.freetype2.shared-library", "libfreetype.so.6");

You can also play with hinting and other font issues.


> On 20030728.1240, Bob Miller said ...
> I thought my eyes were going bad -- some text on web pages in Mozilla
> looks weirdly colored.  But I magnified the pixels w/ xmag, and
> Mozilla is coloring my text.  It's very weird.  I've attached a PNG
> image to this message.
> I haven't seen it in other apps, but most apps don't antialias text,
> at least on my system.
> I wonder whether it's supposed to correct for the fact that some
> displays don't put the R, G, and B pixels at the same location.
> Anyway, does anybody know how to turn off this colorization?  It is
> very distracting.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Bob Miller                              K<bob>
> kbobsoft software consulting
> http://kbobsoft.com                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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