(Sigh, my immediate response somehow didn't get through...
 so I repeat myself:)

I'm busy today, but over the weekend I can go take some digipix of these
places; I think everyone's comments thus far are spot-on.  

2298 Cleveland is pretty far west;

The places on 18th ought to be avoided, unless there's something else
really nice in the deal (jacuzzi? = )

566 W 17th is near the county fairgrounds, which has paths intersecting
it and is generally a nice open space to walk the dogs, etc, although it
is not quite as close to campus as the others...

2679 Kincaid is a nice area, not as much traffic
and pretty close to Amazon park (which I live on the other side of),
they have a dog-specific area there where you can run them off-leash.
Also, there's a cool market called Sundance Natural Foods at 24th and
Alder, "in the hood".

And 1775 August seems nice, although it *is* a bit close to I5. 
However, there's a decent bike path to the U, up along 126 (AKA Franklin
Blvd) -- also worth noting is that there's a footbrige across the river
(which has real nice paths on either side!) due north of there.
Maybe a picture will tell more...  ;-)

So I'd say the last three here are my suggested choices thus far.

ciao and shanti,

  Ben Barrett

PS - I hope this message makes it to the list!!

On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 13:54:53 -0700 (PDT)
Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Places under consideration:
| 2679 Kincaid (south of U)
| 2298 Cleveland (west of U)
| 1985 and 1995 W. 18th (duplexes west of U)
| 566 W. 17th 
| 1775 Augusta (east of U, ben said this might be a nice
| area?)

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