
I was un-aware of this mail address: I will adjust my email accordingly.


-----Original Message-----
Of Linux Rocks!
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 4:02 PM
To: The Eugene Unix and GNU/Linux User Group's mail list
Subject: Re: [eug-lug]HB2892, SB589 New Open Source Legislation

Rock on Cooper! I alwasy love to hear about this stuff.. however it might be
better posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


At 09:00 AM 8/10/03 -0700, you wrote:
>The following is an email from Oregon Rep. Barnhart regarding SB589.
>Rep. Barnhart and his staff worked tirelessly throughout this session to
>make this happen:
>--------------------Begin Forwarded Message----------------------------
>Yes indeed, the bill is back. This time better than ever. It consists of
>the amendments to HB 2892 we could never get adopted. As you recall, I
>drafted them with the help of the Department of Adiministrative Services
>to get their support for HB 2892. The bill is not a "gut and stuff"  but
>an entirely new bill.
>I got out a press release last week. I apologize if I didn't get it to
>you. We have been very busy working on the budget.
>The bill will continue to require that agencies "consider" open source
>software and adds "open standards" to the definition of open systems
>that DAS is already charged with obtaining for us.
>The bill was introduced by the Senate Rules Committee. I provided
>support, the draft, and urged Senator Kate Brown, the Democratic Leader
>to go with it. But it would not have happened without the very good work
>of many people who emailed the Senators to point out the value of the
>bill. Finally, Cooper Stevenson has been working the bill tirelessly for
>months and finally got Senator Atkinson (probably with the help of
>unknown to me others) to support it.
>You get credit for the idea and the original bill and much work
>thereafter. Many,  many open source supporters' emails and letters got
>it on the radar in the Senate ("Phil, what is this open source stuff I
>keep hearing about?? (puzzled look)",from several Senators over the last
>three months).
>Finally, Cooper went into the offices of the Rules Committee members and
>got the final "OKs".
>I never ever want to be on the bad side of you guys. I am enjoying
>moving around the opponents. If we play our cards right, this bill could
>even be a part of the "end game" for the session.
>My suggestion, email the Rules Committee members in the Senate and thank
>them for introducing the bill. Urge them to get it to the floor for a
>vote. Go to the public hearing if one is scheduled and help get it
>passed there. No wild promises, there, just sober support for the future
>of the state being in control of its software at an efficient cost. In
>many areas the decision to require open standards will be even more
>important than open source for keeping the states costs down and in
>control of its own data.
>Congrats again on the good work. Keep it up.
>Phil Barnhart
>State Representative
>Central Lane and Linn Counties
>-----Original Message-----
>From:   Ken Barber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent:   Sat 8/9/2003 8:07 PM
>Cc:     Eric Harrison; Jeremy Hogan; Phil Barnhart; Robin 'Roblimo'
>Subject:        Re: [lug] HB 2892, SB 589 -- now SB 941?
>On Tuesday 05 August 2003 14:01, Darren Shepard wrote:
>> Apologies if this is old news.  Has the open-source bill been
>> resurrected !?
>> SB 941 <http://pub.das.state.or.us/LEG_BILLS/PDFs/SB941.pdf>
>It looks like it.  There's been an ongoing effort in the Senate to
>find a dead bill that could be "gutted and stuffed" with the
>language of the amended HB 2892.  The original target was an
>agricultural bill with a number in the 500's, but no one could
>get enough votes in its committee to move it.
>This appears to be a new bill that was introduced Monday while I
>was away at Linuxworld.  Its language is identical to what HB
>2892 would have looked like after amendments.  Too bad I didn't
>know about this until now; I told everyone at Linuxworld (and
>several asked!) that Oregon's open source bill is "probably
>This looks like very good news.  I'll reserve comment until I have
>a chance to talk to my contacts in Salem next week.
>Ken Barber
>Author, Oregon's open source bill
>---------------------------End Forwarded Message-----------------------
>Cooper Stevenson
>MWVLUG Coordinator
>Www: http://www.mwvlug.org
>EuG-LUG mailing list
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