interesting little synopsis there, Ken... you left out the bit about
another EUGLUG'er speaking, me.  Not that I had anything of
"consequence" to say, and not that I was prepared, but I did show up and
voice my support for this bill.  Oh, but I didn't "do anything"; or did
I?  I am proud of myself for actually making it there, to show my
support in person, and taking the opportunity to say a few [importantly,
brief!] words -- although I didn't mention some important bits relating
to the open standards, which my previous counterclaim life lends
credibility to. And I agree with the semi-hostile anonymous poster
[there on newsforge], up to a point, that your claims of being laid off
due to your own open source consideration don't do any service to the
cause, although I don't think you're getting a check from M$. They do
have too much money tho!!

Anyway, my desire was to impress upon our senators that open standards,
and sometimes even open source, "dramatically increase our governments
efficacy in serving justice"... since my experience is with IT for the
justice branch of government.  I heard the session as a whole was
scheduled to be wrapped up already, so I'm thinking there is already
some outcome on this, that we haven't heard yet.  Anyone know??

regards to all you O.S.S. advocates!

   Ben Barrett
   feeling like a more complete citizen for speaking up, in form even

On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 10:19:37 -0700
Ken Barber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| Folks,
| After yesterday's Senate hearing on SB 941, I wrote a short piece 
| about it and submitted it to Newsforge.  They're running it this 
| morning:
| Ken
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