On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 18:35, michael white wrote:
> So I'm trying to set up a CVS repository on a box with rh 7.3.  The cvs
> version is 1.11.1p1.  The error I'm getting when trying to login is "no such
> repository".
> names changed to protect the guilty : )
> I created a user and group "foo" and a home dir /home/foo.  I login as foo and
> cd to the directory /home/foo.  Then I created a repository by doing "cvs -d
> /home/foo init".  This seems to work fine - the CVSROOT directory gets created
> etc.
> Then I create /home/foo/CVSROOT/passwd which looks like:
> johndoe:<crypt>:foo
> As root, I then created the file /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver that has the
> following:
> service cvspserver
> {
>       socket_type         = stream
>       protocol            = tcp
>       wait                = no
>       user                = root
>       passenv             = 
>       server              = /usr/bin/cvs
>       server_args         = --allow-root=/home/foo pserver -f
> }

I would suggest not using root as your "user". My cvsserver looks like

service cvspserver
        disable         = no
        socket_type     = stream
        wait            = no
        user            = cvs
        group           = cvs
        log_type        = FILE /var/log/cvspserver
        protocol        = tcp
        env             = '$HOME=/home/cvsroot'
        log_on_failure  += USERID
        port            = 2401
        server          = /usr/bin/cvs
        server_args     = -f --allow-root=/home/cvsroot pserver

> /etc/services has lines:
> cvspserver    2401/tcp
> cvspserver    2401/udp
> I then restart xinetd by doing "/etc/init.d/xinetd restart".
> So now on another machine I do:
> cvs -d :pserver:johndoe@<some_ip_address>:/home/foo -login

Also, if johndoe has an account on the server I'd suggest not using
pserver but cvs over ssh

cvs -d :ext:johndoe@<some_ip_address>:/home/foo co <module>

You might also check that you have something in /home/foo/ to play with
as the above command looks like your just trying to checkout the

> I get the "CVS password" prompt and enter the appropriate string.
> Then I get this error output:
> /home/foo: no such repository

No repository or module to checkout. Here is the related info:



Jack Morgan                                     The Zynot Foundation
pub  1024D/620F545F 2002-06-18 Jack Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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