How would you change:
> iptables -A sort -j LOG --log-level info
to limit the log size?

I've some hints from each of the respondants and built an iptable script.  There is
supposed to be only 3 or 4 ports open on this box.  Can some of you guys with the
know how check and see what's open?  I just heard that there are
going to be some ComCast uses banging on it and now I'm scared.

While reading through the man page, I saw a way to restrict access by MAC address.
Can someone post an example?

So my original requirement to allow some networks and some IP addresses now includes
some MAC addresses.  I'm assuming they would be added to the end of the list in the
sort rule.  Yes?  No?

Should I post the iptables script I have so far?


Cory Petkovsek ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 11:13:48AM -0700, Brad Davidson wrote:
>> #everything else is logged and then dropped
>> iptables -A sort -j LOG --log-level info
>> iptables -A sort -j DROP
>This has a similar problem as Bob's original script.  Logging without
>> #jump to the sorting rule from input and forward.
>> #output isn't really worth worrying about IMHO - the
>> #unwanted hosts don't get in, so why would there
>> #be anything going back to them
>> iptables -A INPUT -j sort
>> iptables -A FORWARD -j sort
>I used to think so.  Then our network got a worm from an infected laptop
>and the worm scanned for hosts outside of our network.  There are also
>users to think about.  Really my users don't need any more internet
>access than tcp port 80, and tcp/ftp for a few.  Why give them any more
>unless they ask?  Better then having a worm spread or someone cracking
>from my network.
>EuG-LUG mailing list

Bob Crandell
Assured Computing
When you need to be sure.
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Eugene, Oregon

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