Hmm, looks like that went OK on one of my machines, but not the other. If it doesn't work for you, try doing:
install Meta::Utils::Dos

which can be rather large, but it's got the package in question. If you want /just/ Text::CRLF, here's a standalone version.;[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Take the code at the bottom (starting with Package Text::CRLF), and do the following:
cd /usr/lib/perl5/
mkdir Text
cd Text
<your editor here>
paste contents of the above post into the file. Make it executable, and do whatever you were gonna do with the CGI script.

Looks like Text::CRLF is only currently available as part of Meta::Utils::Dos, but this guy wrote a standalone version. He's trying to get it on CPAN, I guess...


Brad Davidson wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / # perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install Text::CRLF

Let your perl do the walking...

Grigsby, Garl wrote:

Ok I found a PERL script on line that I would like to play with ( but it requires a PERL module called Text::CRLF. Now I am fairly new to PERL so this may be a stupid question. Where do I find this? I have looked on CPAN but I can't find it. Where does one look for stuff like this? What am I doing wrong?

Garl EuG-LUG mailing list

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