Of note: Rael Dornfest will be speaking in Portland
on Nov. 6th.


----- Forwarded message from Marsee Henon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: Marsee Henon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 17:45:17 -0700
Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, October 22

O'Reilly News for User Group Members
October 22, 2003
Book News
-PC Annoyances
-STL Pocket Reference
Upcoming Events
-User Group Event at the O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference
-Tim O'Reilly, OOPSLA 2003, Anaheim, CA--Oct 26-30
-Rael Dornfest ("Google Hacks," "Mac OS X Hacks"), 
Portland Linux/Unix Group, Portland, OR--November 6
-ApacheCon, Las Vegas, NV--Nov 16-19
-Registration Is Open for ETech 2004--San Diego, CA
-Last Week to Register for the O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference
-All Software Should Be Network Aware
-Two New Book Brochures Available Online
-Open Source Goes to COMDEX
-Most Indispensable Linux Books
-OpenOffice Irritation
-Upgrading a MySQL Application
-The PHP Scalability Myth
-Creating an Online Help System with JavaHelp and DocBook
-Filtering HTTP Requests with .NET
-Sizing Up Windows Server 2003
-Start Me Up: Writing and Understanding OS X StartupItems
-I Dig Mac OS X

Book News
Did you know you can request a free book to review for your
group? Ask your group leader for more information.

For book review writing tips and suggestions, go to:

Don't forget, you can receive 20% off any O'Reilly book you 
purchase directly from O'Reilly. Just use code DSUG when 
ordering online or by phone 800-998-9938.

***Free ground shipping is available for online orders of at 
least $29.95 that go to a single U.S. address. This offer 
applies to U.S. delivery addresses in the 50 states and Puerto 
For more details, go to:

***PC Annoyances
Order Number: 5938
Don't give up on your PC yet; help is at hand. This easy-to-read,
accessible book covers the waterfront of PC gripes and gremlins, with
fixes for everything from Windows glitches to browsers that won't browse.
These tips and tricks are served up in bite-size portions for quick
reading and even quicker fixing. Plus, you get access to more than 100
utilities that will help you squash bugs, enhance your email, untangle
system snarls, and much more. 

A sample excerpt on "Email" is online:

*Come meet "PC Annoyances" author Steve Bass at the upcoming APCUG Fall
2003 Conference in Las Vegas!

***STL Pocket Reference
Order Number: 5563
Programmers familiar with the Standard Template Library (STL) need a
small, lightweight memory aid. The STL encompasses containers, iterators,
algorithms, and function objects, collectively representing one of the
most important and widely used subsets of standard library functionality.
"STL Pocket Reference" describes the functions, classes, and templates in
the STL, and it is chock-full of information that you can take in at a
glance, so you can get on with your work. 

A sample excerpt on "Containers" is online:

Upcoming Events
***For more events, please see:

***User Group members attending the O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference--
Come meet up with Marsee Henon (O'Reilly User Group Coordinator) and
Lorene Romero (Apple User Group Advisory Board Vendor Relation 
Coordinator and North Coast Mac Users Group Past President) on 
Tuesday, October 28 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm at the bar (no-host) 
in the lobby of the Westin Santa Clara. We can swap stories, ideas, 
or just hang out. And afterwards, we can attend the "Building 
Virginia Tech's G5 Supercluster" talk.

The O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference is October 27-30, 2003 at the Westin
Santa Clara, Santa Clara, CA
For more info or to register for this conference, go to:

***Tim O'Reilly, OOPSLA 2003, Anaheim, CA--Oct 26-30 
Tim O'Reilly is a keynote speaker at the 18th annual ACM SIGPLAN
Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and
Applications. Anaheim Convention Center,
Anaheim, CA.

***Rael Dornfest ("Google Hacks," "Mac OS X Hacks"), Portland Linux/Unix
Group, Portland, OR--November 6
Author and editor Rael Dornfest will be speaking about O'Reilly's new
"Hacks" book series.The meeting starts at 7:00pm at the Portland State 
University, Smith Memorial Center room 294/296, Portland, OR.

***ApacheCon, Las Vegas, NV--Nov 16-19
Authors Brian Aker ("Running Weblogs with Slash"), Stas Bekman ("Practical
mod_perl"), Rich Bowen and Ken Coar ("Apache Cookbook"), Will Iverson
("Mac OS X for Java Geeks"), Rasmus Lerdorf ("Programming PHP), Doug
Tidwell ("XSLT" and "Programming Web Services with SOAP"), and Adam
Trachtenberg ("PHP Cookbook") are all speaking at this gathering. Alexis
Park Resort Las Vegas, NV.

Conference News
***Registration Is Open for ETech 2004--San Diego, CA
Gather with lead users, forward thinkers, and technology activists at
O'Reilly's third annual Emerging Technology Conference to vet the projects
and ideas that will radically alter not just the future of computing, but
the way we live and work. ETech is slated for February 9-12, 2004 in San
Diego, California. Take advantage of our Early Bird discount when you
register before January 9, 2004.

User Group members who register before January 9, 2004 get a double
discount. Use code DSUG when you register, and receive 20% off the
"Early Bird" price.

To register for the conference, go to:

***Last Week to Register for the O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference
October 27-30, 2003
Westin Santa Clara, Santa Clara, CA

To register for the conference, go to:

News From O'Reilly & Beyond
General News
***All Software Should Be Network Aware
Apple's original Human Interface Guidelines laid out the company's vision
for a set of consistent approaches for GUI applications. Now that we're
moving into the era of "software above the level of a single device," we
need something similar for network-aware applications. Here are some of
the things Tim O'Reilly would like to see universally supported.

***Two New Book Brochures Available Online
We have included these in the Graphics section of our user group page

*Sample Hacks (PDF) 
Test out hacks from our newest titles "Wireless Hacks," "Ebay Hacks,"
"Windows XP Hacks," and "TiVo Hacks."

*Gifts for Geeks (PDF)
Not sure what to give your geek for the holidays? We have a few
Open Source
***Open Source Goes to COMDEX
O'Reilly is working with COMDEX to organize an Open Source Innovation Area
on the COMDEX exhibit floor. We've nominated 21 projects and we'd like you
to help us select the six projects we'll send to the show. Contest ends
October 31. Vote today.

Here is a graphic promoting this contest if you would like to post it on
your site:

***Most Indispensable Linux Books
Over 7,500 readers visited the Linux Journal web site and voted on 28
categories in the 2003 Readers' Choice Awards. The number three pick for
most indispensable Linux book is O'Reilly's "Running Linux." And the
winner is "Linux in a Nutshell."

Running Linux, 4th Edition
Order Number: 2726

Linux in a Nutshell, 4th Edition
Order Number: 4826

***OpenOffice Irritation 
Noel Davis looks at problems in OpenOffice, slocate, fetchmail, GDM,
Tomcat, ircd, HPUX's dtprintinfo, and Openserver's Xsco.

***Upgrading a MySQL Application 
Application upgrades aren't always easy. Throw in a database backend and a
schema change, and you're in for a world of hurt--unless you've planned
well. Russell Dyer explores techniques for taking the pain out of
upgrading database-backed applications.
***The PHP Scalability Myth 
Java scales...but so does PHP. That's the argument Jack Herrington puts
forth in comparing how each can be used to create web applications with
modern architectures.

***Creating an Online Help System with JavaHelp and DocBook 
JavaHelp offers a full-featured help system for Java applications, but
creating and maintaining help content can be tricky. Austin King offers an
alternative workflow, based on DocBook and XSL.
***Filtering HTTP Requests with .NET 
ASP.NET has a number of extensibility points that developers can use. One
such point is response filtering, accessible via the Filter property of
the HttpResponse class. Ben Lowery shows you how to use HTTP filters in
your own code.
***Sizing Up Windows Server 2003 
It's been almost six months since Windows Server 2003 was released.
Microsoft touts it as being able to do things "faster, more securely, and
at lower cost." Has it lived up to its promises? Mitch Tulloch, author of
"Windows Server 2003 in a Nutshell," looks at whether and how Microsoft
has delivered on these promises.

Windows Server 2003 in a Nutshell
Order Number: 4044
***Start Me Up: Writing and Understanding OS X StartupItems
StartupItems are easy to set up and extremely flexible in managing the
startup process. Andrew Anders shows how StartupItems fit into the OS X
startup process, what you need to do to create a StartupItem, and an
example of a StartupItem that will run the Tomcat Java servlet engine.

***I Dig Mac OS X
With O'Reilly's Mac OS X Conference just around the corner, we're
introducing a brand-new T-shirt depicting our trademark Mac OS X German
Shepherd--just the thing to wear at the show. Not attending but you still
dig Mac OS X? This is the tee for you. Check out all of O'Reilly's cool
swag at Think Geek.

Until next time--


----- End forwarded message -----

Bob Miller                              K<bob>
kbobsoft software consulting
http://kbobsoft.com                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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