Daniel Zapala wrote:
> In this talk I will discuss swarming, a new content delivery system
> that is based on peer-to-peer file transfer. With swarming, any client
> that has downloaded even a portion of a file may serve that portion to
> other clients. This means that the capacity of a swarming system
> actually increases as more clients join the system. 

Interesting.  Soon we'll have holographic hosts and a holographic
internet.  Each piece contains information about the whole unit,
although resolution or detail is reduced.  While such a storage
mechanism won't work well for email, it would work for high resolution
graphics, video and sound.

Eventually the internet will become complex enough and have enough
information that searching will be done in much the same way that the
brain searches, as it is believed by some scientists.  As electronic
impulses are sent into a neuron and replicated to adjacent neurons,
three-dimensional waves pass through each other, creating exteremly
complex interference patterns, similar to a two-dimensional interference
pattern on a holographic plate with a hologram burned on to it.  That is
a holographic plate that requires a laser of the same frequency as the
one used during burning to view the image.  Many such images can be
burned on to the same plate.  To recall any particular image, the viewer
need only select the correct frequency.  Back to the brain, information
is thought to be stored in much the same way.  It only needs to be
recalled by having the correct "laser" or dereference pattern in the
brain created by a certain taste, sound or other sensation or thought.
Such a theory lends itself well to understanding how association works
as well as fuzzy memories.

Now imagine such an interference pattern being spread around the
internet to produce or store a vast quantitiy of information.  With a
system that swarming could be the pre-pre-precursor to, a little piece
of that massive amount of information is stored on each host.  Swarming
however is talking about having say bytes 1000-3000 on a host and
2750-5000 on another host.  Holographic storage would be a merging of
digital and analog storage, the idea of a file stream becomes less
important replaced by the raw concept of "information".

Next, it is also theorized that both particles and information can be
sent faster than light.  There are many exeriments that challenge the
status quo, but I think it is quite inevitable that we will discover and
enventually harness the capability of sending information at closer and
closer to zero time.

Now add many, many holographic hosts and zero-time transmission, and the
internet wakes up, becomes a conscious entitiy capable of spamming you
all on it's own! ;)


-all serious except the spam part.

Cory Petkovsek                                       Adapting Information
Adaptable IT Consulting                                Technology to your   
(541) 914-8417                                                   business
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