Interesting charge, but, as usual, no specifics as to what would be illegal or why. Nice attempt to shift the question to why he's proposing illegal changes without establishing that any of the proposals are, in fact, illegal. What does this have to do with Linux? I don't know except to say that Kucinich's handling of the private power interests in Cleveland show that he is the kind of leader who puts what's best for the average people above what is best for the monied interests and so, could reasonably be expected to support open source software initiatives. IMHO, Kucinich is the best candidate on the issues, but I agree with Molly Ivins in her assessment that he's a "No-Hoper" and I'm supporting the only other Democrat in the race :-)

Ken Barber wrote:

On Monday 27 October 2003 21:37, T. Joseph Carter wrote:

I don't know, read Kucinich's campaign promises..

Most of what he has promised would be illegal to do as
president.  This means he is:

a. Flat out lying
b. Unaware of the legal limits of the presidency
c. Determined to push his agenda at any cost

Hmmm, no different from the last two presidents we've had. Methinks I detect a trend....

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