heh... yeah... I could have fed ex pick it up... how much do you suppose that 
would cost!


On Saturday 01 November 2003 10:35 pm, Maximillian Von Schwanekamp wrote:
: Ah.  Guess I should have said: "Free for someone who is willing and able
: to pick it up in the reasonably near future:"
: Max
: Linux Rocks ! wrote:
: >hey I could really use a monitor, but its a 3000 mile drive! (which Is why
: > I only have 1 monitor with me!)
: >
: >Dont hold the monitor for me, I have no idea when I'll be in driving
: > distance!
: >
: >Jamie
: >
: >On Saturday 01 November 2003 10:08 pm, Maximillian Von Schwanekamp wrote:
: >: Free for someone who is willing to pick it up:
: >:
: >: 1 HP 55 15inch SVGA monitor, I believe it's 70Mhz @ 1024x768.  Works
: >: fine no burn or screen scratches, it's just taking up desk space.  It
: >: does have some black ink splatters on the top, near the back.  Nothing
: >: that you would notice while using it though.
: >:
: >: I live near the fairgrounds, for your logistical info.
: >:
: >: Max Schwanekamp
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> I get the following error messages at bootup, could anyone tell me 
> what they mean?
> fcntl_setlk() called by process 51 (lpd) with broken flock() emulation
They mean that you have not read the documentation when upgrading the
        -- seen on c.o.l.misc

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