Hum, I don't know anything about the neurosdmb project, but since it
*was* working:  What other conditions have changed?
Do you happen to have many more small files now vs. fewer [maybe larger]
files before?  I ask since the "ArrayIndexOutOfBounds" error could
possibly be brought on by surpassing a hard limit in their code.
Hard to say, from here -- you'll probably want to sign on that project's
sourceforge-run mailing list, usually titled <project>-users...
see their home page at  You might also check for a more recent
version of their code, but if you're up-to-date they probably want to
know the details of your problem.  Include such information as which JVM
you're using (run 'java -version')...

good luck,


On 12 Nov 2003 08:15:49 -0800
Dirk Ouellette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| Does anyone have an idea what the FATAL:2628:Exception occured
| FATAL:2630:java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2
| means as I try to run the following Java program for manipulating the
| data in my Neuros mp3 player? It has been working great on my RH 9
| system until yesterday.
| Thanks, Dirk
|  WARNING:13:----------------------------------------------------
| WARNING:18:NeurosDBM version 1.16
| WARNING:236:2003-11-10 21:59:38.297
| WARNING:237:Running on Linux Sun Microsystems Inc. 1.4.1_01
| FATAL:2628:Exception occured
| FATAL:2630:java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2
|         at net.sourceforge.neurosdbm.db.Word.<init>(
|         at
|         net.sourceforge.neurosdbm.db.MDB.parseMDBHeader(
|         at
| net.sourceforge.neurosdbm.db.AudioMDB.loadExistingDatabase(AudioMDB.j
| ava:84)
|         at
| net.sourceforge.neurosdbm.db.AudioMDB.<init>(
|         at
| net.sourceforge.neurosdbm.db.AudioDBBase.<init>(
|         at
|         net.sourceforge.neurosdbm.db.AudioDB.<init>(
|         at
| net.sourceforge.neurosdbm.db.Database.loadExistingDatabase(Database.j
| ava:108)
|         at
| net.sourceforge.neurosdbm.db.Database.<init>(
|         at
|         net.sourceforge.neurosdbm.NeurosDBM.<init>(
|         at
|         net.sourceforge.neurosdbm.NeurosDBM.main(
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