Jason wrote:

> I'm getting rid of my Mac work laptop and will soon be
> getting a new Stinkpad (T30 I believe). I have been
> out of the daily use Linux world for about a year or
> so, so I was wondering what thoughts folks would have
> on recommended distros for work purposes. I have been
> using mostly RedHat/Mandrake since about 1997 but am
> willing to change.
> I do a good amount of security testing with my laptops
> and a small amount of programming. Nothing real CPU
> intensive besides running VMWare for writing
> documents, etc.

VMware needs RAM more than it needs CPU power, I thought.

How much time do you want to spend getting it just right?  If you want
to throw a CD at it and get on with your life, then install Debian
through a KNOPPIX CD.  The Debian advantage is that from then on,
you'll be able to upgrade incrementally.  There will be no big bang
upgrades where half your apps stop working for a day or two while you
sort everything out.  If you install cron-apt (highly recommended),
you'll even get email notification when it's time to update,
especially the security updates.

OTOH, if you want to abandon all semblance of a normal life and devote
each of your remaining hours on this mortal plane to Linux
maintenance, customization, and tweaking, go with Gentoo. (-: That's
what I've done, and I don't regret it a bit.

Seriously, if it's your first time, it could easily take a week to get
Gentoo to a usable state.  Debian/KNOPPIX (or Mandrake, Fedora, etc.)
should be closer to an hour.  But Gentoo does keep you on the cutting
edge.  I didn't have to go outside of Gentoo to get APM, DVD ripping,
DVD playback (and lots of other video formats), 3D acceleration,
and lots of other cool stuff (like a bunch of games I never play (-: ).

I'm assuming you know your way around Linux enough that you're not
intimidated by things like fdisk, editing /etc/fstab, or building a
kernel.  If that weren't the case, we'd be discussing Mandrake and

Bob Miller                              K<bob>
kbobsoft software consulting
http://kbobsoft.com                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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