Congradulation! I realy wish they had them back when I went there ( and yes, I 
asked many times...)  I asked for perl classes too.. have they doen that yet? 
(or is perl dead?)


On Thursday 11 December 2003 05:15 pm, Ken Barber wrote:
: Last May we had a thread on eug-lug regarding Linux classes at LCC.  Beaker
: had a great suggestion which has finally become reality:
: On Thursday 29 May 2003 4:51 pm, Beaker wrote:
: > I've always thought a "Best of Open Source" series would be of interest
: > to people. Many apps such as OpenOffice, The Gimp, and Mozilla run on
: > several operating systems - not _just_ Linux :J - and may have broader
: > appeal then Linux-only apps.
: It's taken months to get it approved, but I'll be teaching a "best of Open
: Source" class at LCC Winter term.  The descriptions of all of my linux
: classes are here:
: and instructions on how to register are here:
: (hint:  the website isn't easy.  Best way to register is by phone)
: Note, if you will, that I'll also be teaching an "Introduction to Linux"
:  class for newbies at LCC now.  It will eventually be geared to people
: whose workplace has switched to Linux... which should counter the M$ FUD
: that goes, "where will you get trained people to use Linux in your
: workplace?" But there might be some nonprofits out there who are already
: using it, and this class will help these folks quickly get up to speed.
: Of course, the Linux system administration class (formerly Red Hat Linux
: System Administration) is also being offered.  We plan to expand it to two
: classes, "basic" and a "second-level" class, starting Spring term.  I also
: plan to have earned my RHCE, and possibly a couple of LPI certs, by then.
: Finally, we're also offering a special Linux sysadmin class for the folks
: at K12s who are in charge of keeping their computers running.
: Please spread the word.
: Ken
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: EuG-LUG mailing list

 * [...] Note that 120 sec is defined in the protocol as the maximum
 * possible RTT.  I guess we'll have to use something other than TCP
 * to talk to the University of Mars.
 * PAWS allows us longer timeouts and large windows, so once implemented
 * ftp to mars will work nicely.
        -- from /usr/src/linux/net/inet/tcp.c, concerning RTT [round trip time]

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