The O'Reilly books are pretty good, there's one called Building Javascript Applications
that actually gets into building complex xalculators and such

But the Javascript Pocket Reference is the one that gets visited most

On Monday, January 12, 2004, at 06:40 PM, Tim Howe wrote:

Is there a decent javascript book out there? I've been doing web development in one form or another for about 9 years now, and I need a book that doesn't assume I'm an idiot (even if I am :). Something good with detail, decent coverage of the language features, and a comprehensive reference. Every book I have looked at so far seems to say "Hey javascript is great! It lets you do cool stuff. Here's a hello world program. The end." I need a book that takes it seriously and I can't find one. Are there any people out there using javascript fairly often who have a good book they rely on?

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bailing the titanic with paper cups: or polishing the deck chairs thereof
steering an iceberg with a broom: nonexciting challenges await you
capturing runaway bulldozers: once is chance, twice coincidence, ...

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