In trying to reach the online application for a loan in a retirement
account website I'm given this message;

We have detected you are currently using neither Netscape nor Internet
Explorer. As a result, you cannot submit a loan or withdrawal request
online. You need Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher together with Adobe
Acrobat Reader 5.x or 6.0. Alternatively, you can use Netscape 4.07 or
4.78 with Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.x ONLY. You cannot upgrade to the 6.0
Reader as it will not work with Netscape. To submit a loan or withdrawal
request online you must also have Adobe Acrobat properly installed.

So I search for either Navigator 4,07 or 4.78 on
and come up with netscape-navigator-4.78-1cl RPM for i386 from
I download, attempt to install and ;

DOWNLOADS]# rpm -ivh netscape-navigator-4.78-1cl.i386.rpm
warning: netscape-navigator-4.78-1cl.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY,
key ID 99807190
error: Failed dependencies:
        netscape-common = 4.78-1cl is needed by
BUT, I've already installed netscape-common-4.78-1cl.i386.rpm!

DOWNLOADS]# rpm -Uvh netscape-common-4.78-1cl.i386.rpm
warning: netscape-common-4.78-1cl.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key
ID 99807190
Preparing...                ###########################################
        package netscape-common-4.78-1cl is already installed

What is wrong here?
Thanks, Dirk


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