Installfest/Clinic Reminder

The  Mid-Willamette Valley Linux Users Group will be sponsoring
an installfest/Clinic Saturday 13 March 2004.

We will be providing  help installing linux, configuring your
already installed linux or troubleshooting your system.
Everyone is invited.

When:  Saturday 13 March 2004
       10am - 1pm

where:  Peak Internet, 
        1600 Western Blvd, Suite 180, 
        Corvallis, OR
        near the SW corner of  15th and Western 
                 OSU CAMPUS    |
          -------------------------- <- Western Blvd          
                 __________    |
                |          |   |    
                | Peak     |   |
                |__________|   |                                 
                  ^            |
      entrance----|            |  
                 Parking       |  <-- 15th Street
                  lot          |

what to bring:
     Your computer, monitor, mouse 
     any peripherals (modem, printer etc) you may want to configure 
     We will have copies of several Linux distributions Debian(Woody & Sarge) Fedora 
Core 1,
         Gentoo, Mandrake and others, or bring your own. 

sponsored by
  Mid-Willamette Valley Linux Users Group

for more information 
 contact Bill Barry  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 or see
EuG-LUG mailing list

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