Walter Fry wrote,
>I cant seem 2 find where to enter the commands such as grep.....  I'm in 
>wordpft8 on fedora 2.6.5-1.358 in text mode and trying to save the doc. to a 
>USB FLOPPY   when rebooting the fdd activity led's emitt so Iknow the usb 
>driver is there, it just is'nt found by wp8

For entering commands like grep, you'll need a terminal window.  Search
your menus for for one of these names:


At least one of these should be available somewhere.

As for saving stuff on a floppy from Word Perfect...the WP save file
dialog box just uses the UNIX file makes no attempt to find
your floppy drive and give it a distinctive name like "A:".  This means
you have to know the UNIX pathname where your floppy lives.  Usually this
ls "/mnt/floppy" or something similar.

However, before you can see your floppy under /mnt/floppy, you'll have to
mount it.  Normally you do this by typing "mount /mnt/floppy".  But that
only works if you have an entry for your floppy drive in /etc/fstab...once
you find your terminal window, try this command:

     cat /etc/fstab

If you don't see anything about floppies in there, then you'll have to
roll your own fstab entry.  There may be a utility somewhere on your
system to do this for you, but if not, it's not too hard to do it by
hand...just open up /etc/fstab in a text editor, and add a line like this:

     /dev/fd0     /mnt/floppy     auto     noauto,user     0  0

The only problem is that this line (copied from my own system) is for a
standard PC floppy, not a USB floppy.  For USB, you'll need to change
"/dev/fd0" to whatever device your USB floppy is...somebody else will have
to help here, since I'm not a Linux USB expert.

Then you'll have to make sure the proper USB driver modules get loaded.
This can be made to happen transparently if you put the proper stuff in
/etc/modules.conf or /etc/modprobe.conf...again, somebody else will have
to help here.

Is this the same laptop that was causing all the trouble with Mandrake

               - Neil Parker
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