> tcpipservices.com - full service, biometric+passcode, 24hr access, the
> facility is pretty impressive. I haven't dealt with the company directly.

>From personal experience, I can say that the IP Services folks are
good people but they're really not interested in talking to you
unless you're buying an entire rack.  However, there are smaller
companies hosted in the IP Services data center that will sell you
smaller chunks of space.  

I use the Feynman Group (feynman.net) and have found them very
responsive and customer-focused.  Feynman also has some colo space in
their offices on Pearl, but it's nowhere near as nice as the IP
Services data center (although it is much cheaper).

Hal Pomeranz, Founder/CEO      Deer Run Associates      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Network Connectivity and Security, Systems Management, Training
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