On Thu, 16 Dec 2004, Ben Barrett wrote:

Have you looked at Hurricane Electric (he.net) ? They include SSH with hosting, and start at $10/month :)
I don't use them myself, but have done some work on an account there and was impressed by what I saw in general -- an up-to-date kernel version, notably. I was told good things about the community surrounding he.net, which reminded me of the WELL for some reason...

I thought the price quoted by he.net was just for web page virtual hosting. I will forever revere Hurricane Electric after #include "saga/long/ExodusNet.h" - great company, NOC ops with nerves of steel. But I don't think they offer what I was looking for.

I don't know exactly what you want in a "VPS", whether strict virtual or virtualized to some satisfying degree, but for me including SSH and having my own root FS map is enough for my personal hosting needs. In the CMS communities like slashcode/*nuke/etc, I've seen many adverts for really cheap hosting, some including SSH access for under $10/month, from companies outside of the U.S. (one I saw was in Australia).

I think those are mostly just domain virtual hosts. I was looking for a provider renting VMware ESX sessions, User-mode Linux, or doing something similar for less than $25 a month. In fact, I still am looking for a provider who will run virtual *BSD instances.

Going through a lot of Google ads found quite a few providers that have what I wanted but they turned out to be "dedicated servers" more akin to Rackspace.

Most, if not all, VPS providers restrict what kinds of persistent processes can be run. No surprise there. Just about everybody bans ircd (even standalone, loopback bound), but AUP restrictions also sometimes include language effectively banning all chat and p2p applications. That's a bit much since I occasionally need to use software that falls within those restrictions (Jabber and bittorrent).

So I guess my criteria list is: unshared OS, low restrictions on usage, BSD and Linux distributions, prompt provisioning, inexpensive, and reasonable bandwidth caps.

Pick two, right? :)

My experiences so far:

- Redwood virtual is dirt cheap but they plan for demand poorly; they seem to run out of available servers frequently. Their performance was initially unimpressive but it's actually improving. Probably because every instance on the new host had operators downloading and compiling their packages.

- JVDS.com was incredibly unhelpful and unresponsive. They had zero capacity but they didn't indicate that at all when I ordered. No acknowledgement of payment and two "we'll get it to you this afternoon" promises expired without results. It seemed like they were having a lot of deployment problems on a new machine - I sympathized with their predicament but curt email with abrupt and flimsy promises didn't bode well.

- Rimuhosting is pretty good. A little more expensive than others but both the service and customer support are fast and responsive. A minor nit is their Linux distribution selection is a touch limited.


Po Petz wrote the following on 12/1/2004 1:52 PM:

I was wondering if anyone had any experience with VPS providers; preferrably with Open/Freebsd instances but Debian or FCore are fine. I've worked with JohnCompanies before but I was shopping around for a slightly better deal than $65 a month since this is for a low-bandwidth, small footprint project.

Redwood Virtual ( http://www.redwoodvirtual.com/ ) and Linode ( http://www.linode.com/ ) seem to be widely mentioned and recommended. Any caveats with them? Anyone better offering BSD instances?


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