larry price wrote:

> Not as long as I would be if something were to happen today,
> currently all the truly critical unreplaceable data is less than 1G
> total, but growing at about 1-2 Megs per week.
> And that's counting the configuration files.

You should definitely back that stuff up over the Internet.  Rsync to
a host in a different town, if possible.  The data rate is small
enough (2 MB/week) that remote rsync is very feasible.

> there's about 10G of stuff that would be a pain in the wallet to
> replace, some of which is archived on CD..

Might also be a candidate for 'net backup, depending on how fast
your link is and whether it's currently idle.

Bob Miller                              K<bob>
kbobsoft software consulting                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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