FWIW, I think SimplyMepis is great, I'm using it on 2 machines and have no intention of looking further for a Linux distro... it has replaced Xandros as my "polished Debian" of choice, although that may change in March with Xandros 3.0 Open Circulation... right now, the only things I can't do with it "out of the box" are things you can't do in any distro yet (support for certain 802.11g cards, etc).

For example, I ran an "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" the other night, and ended up with KDE 3.3 (up from 3.2) with no issues whatsoever. Needless to say, this makes me happy.

For other example, HW acceleration works fine on both the ATI Radeon Mobility 9200 and the nVidia GeForce 4 MX4000. No config needed. I'm a gamer so this is important to me...

My only quibble is the implementation of QTParted in the installer, which behaved oddly in ways I still don't understand (no data loss though). Both machines are dual boot with Windows, so that's the only reason I had to go into manual partitioning at all.


Linux Rocks! wrote:

On Thursday 13 January 2005 09:57 am, Bob Miller wrote:
: T. Joseph CARTER wrote:
: > For my second trick of the evening, I'm going to use a live Linux CD
: > (probably Knoppix or Ubuntu or something) to make the system work.
: I'd be interested in seeing Ubuntu or SimplyMepis, as I've never seen
: those distros.

You missed out, we did those last week. (well... I didnt try the mepsis one yet, but This crazy cab driver came by, and kicked down some cool linux cd's.

They will be around tonite too....

: I installed Xandros on Anne's laptop yesterday.  I think I'll mail out
: a mini review.  Spoiler: installing Knoppix today.
: > If you really want to see this process start to finish, please let me
: > know so that I don't start before you arrive.  ;)
: I've seen hardware, thanks.  If you really want to see hardware
: assembly, give Mr. O a box of parts.  In the time that you or I would
: look through the box and see what's in there, Mr. O will have pulled
: everything out and built the system.
: > BTW, hey Mike, does computerbase happen to have thumbscrews?  This thing
: > (ASUS Terminator) has two screws, one of them is a pretty standard type,
: > the other would be if not for being rather long.  If you've got them, I'm
: > interested.  Given how cheap this thing is, it's amazingly easy to get at
: > its innards after you take out those two screws.  It'd be so much nicer
: > if you didn't have to worry about them.  =)
: I have some.  I will try to show up tonight, if I can find Jamie's
: house.

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