On Mon, 28 Feb 2005, horst wrote:

> > Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 10:37:51 +0000
> > From: Jeff Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ..> 
> > town about getting the password changed, so, I can check and start using 
> > the 
> ..
> > Any other ideas I can try ???
> Another, bootloader/platform in depended hack would employ a boot CD, like 
> Knoppix.

Knoppix is a good choice.  You should always keep a copy around for
just this reason.

> - Boot from CD and become root (just 'su' + rtn)
> - mount HD to /mnt/hda1 (or whatever)
> - cd /mnt/hda1/etc/
> - Make a backup with date stamp:
>    cp -p shadow shadow.yyyymmdd   // or whatever name you like
> - Find an encrypted pwd by using Knoppix' passwd:
>    passwd   // enter a pwd of your choice twice
> - Add above, encrypted pwd to the real shadow:
>    grep root /etc/shadow >> shadow
>     just 'grep root /etc/shadow' displays the new encrypted pwd
> - use an editor to remove the old root pwd line
>    'vi shadow'  or  'pico shadow'

I is simpler to simply remove the password field.  The fields
in the passwd/shadow file are delimited by colons.  You want
the second field.  I assume you have shadowed passwords (close
to universal these days).  The password field in /etc/passwd
is "x".  The real data is the second field in /etc/shadow.

Find the root entry.  Clear out the second field on that line.
You will then be able to login as root without a password.

Using my system as an example:

Your first order of business after logging in should be to assign
a new root password.  :-)
Allen Brown
  work: Agilent Technologies      non-work: http://www.peak.org/~abrown/
  Actually for me, television can only be improved by not looking at it.
    --- Edward Teller

> When you now boot from the HD the above entered password should let you 
> in.
> There maybe other ways how you can hack it from a bootable CD.
> Good luck .................. Horst
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