On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 09:59:47PM -0700, larry price wrote:
> On 5/3/05, Jacob Meuser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 09:15:19PM -0700, Jason Van Cleve wrote:
> > > I'd like to process a whole bunch of source files uniformly, stripping
> > > off any whitespace at the ends of lines and also making sure there is
> > > exactly one newline before the EOF.  That last part may be tricky, but
> > > is there a speedy *nix utility for getting rid of trailing whitespace,
> > > or maybe for general source code processing?
> if you want speed try sed(1)
> s/[\w]*$//g #remove any number of white space characters before end of line
> s/^$//g #remove blank lines
> followed by 
> echo >> $file #append a blank line to the end of the file.
> although if you are getting fancy you might want to rewrite it in perl
> or $language
> to do manipulation or insertion.
> having done a fair amount of stuff recently that required mucking about with
> line end conversions and preprocessing files for a finicky parser
> this is where find(1) is your friend
> build your manipulation script and let find pass files to it.
> (it's also a good idea to make a copy of the target files before you
> munge them so that you can recover from your mistakes while you are
> figuring out your regex)


set -e

: ${CPMV:=mv}


cp ${FILE} ${FILE}.orig

sed -e 's,// *\(.*\),/* \1 */,g' ${FILE} > ${FILE}.sed
${CPMV} ${FILE}.sed ${FILE}

indent ${FILE} ${FILE}.indent -di8 -dj0 -nfc1 -i4
${CPMV} ${FILE}.indent ${FILE}

exit 0

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