So, I was composing a long email about my recent experiences getting my asus 
p4r800V MB w/ati chipset... but I had an anomoly :(

Using enlightenment, while composing email with kmail (remote ssh), I bumped 
the mouse, bringing up the settings menu.  
I tried clicking the close button, but it did nothing.
I tried minimizing, that too did nothing.
I tried clicking different settings (this worked).
I clicked other windows (it would raise the window, but wouldnt switch focus 
to it (typing effected the settings menu, not the program you click on). 
I tried switching to a VT to kill it, but the settings dialog didnt apear in 
I tried clicking a shell to type xkill, but typing launched stuff from the 
settings menu!

I was very frustrated, I couldnt kill the offending settings dialog (stickied 
menu), the keyboard focus was stuck on it (but not the mouse focus). clicking 
on the stickied menu only lauched stuff, it wouldnt close or min/max it.
I found that I could change  desktops, and launch a shell (which got full 
focus), and I moved it to the first dekstop, and was able to type xkill, 
which did kill the offending stickied settings menu dialog.

At first I was soo excited that after about 10 minutes of incredible 
frustration, I finally killed that nasty bastard, but it killed my X session, 
which lost my ssh conection, and ofcourse my email detailing my experiences 
with my asus motherboard with ati chipset.

I would say its been a drag trying to get ati stuff working. The fglrx video 
driver isnt working (much less 2 headed tv output...), and the atiixp audio 
isnt working either (much less 6 channel stereo whatever...). The sis180 raid 
controller wasnt working the last time I tried either( yeah, I wasted a lot 
of time trying to get it to work, as others seem to be using it just fine...)

So, I do have a working computer (just no sound right now, and only 1024x1280 
res with the VESA framebuffer). I guess this hardware is supported, but 
brutally painful to get working right. Ive had this hardware for over 6 
months now, so its not too new.


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