perdurabo wrote:

> 1.) What are these things exactly? Is this a place for vendors to
> pitch their warez to us drunk techs?
> 2.) What usually goes on at these, aside from beer drinking?
> 3.) Are they worth a damn for us engineers? (people doing backend
> network/server/programming)

In the past, the tech brewpubs have centered around a speaker who
gives a presentation.  Most of the presentations were geared for a
non-geek audience, though a few got nitty-gritty.  Along with the main
presentation, there would be announcements, door prizes, job postings,
businesses and contractors would introduce themselves, etc.  There
were no vendor booths, and very little explicit selling of stuff.

This tech brewpub doesn't have a presentation.  I don't know what the
format will be this week.  Three of the SAO Board's five members are
new since the last brewpub, so anything is possible.

Tech brewpubs might be worth a damn to you if you want to enlarge your
circle of fellow geeks or see some fellow geeks you don't see often
enough, learn what's going on locally in high tech, learn something
about a topic you're probably not familiar with, or drink a beer.

Bob Miller                              K<bob>
kbobsoft software consulting                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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