Matthew Jarvis wrote:

> I can ping the box, I can ssh into it, the web server (apache) is working...
> I should be able to enter a URL into my browser on another machine and 
> go to it and see the JourneyX interface. Should be something like:
> and the interface should appear....

That's assuming you've got JourneyX running and configured.  I know
nothing about JourneyX, but you can check.  Run this command as

        netstat -pant

You should see a line that says for the local address and
JourneyX for the process.

> Here's my problem: How do I create on this new box the "" 
> address for it to resolve? I got mirred in conf files and all sorts of 
> things, then I thought you folks could give the fast track to making it 
> work. I'll probably be changing all of it when I bring it down here to 
> the office anyway, so the less 'hard coding' I have to do the better.

If it's just one *nix client box, edit the file /etc/hosts and put
your server's IP address into it.

(Get your IP address by running "ip addr" on the server.)

There's probably a way to give Winders a static host table entry, but
I don't know it.  I just spent a few minutes clicking through the
control panels but didn't see anything.

If you want to access the server from many clients, then you'll want a
DNS server.  Setting up a DNS server is tricky, but maybe your home
firewall/router has one built in.  In any case, add the host/IP
address pair to the DNS server.  There are a million different DNS
servers out there, each with its own admin interface, so feel free to
ask about a particular server if that's what you need.

BikeFriday certainly already has an internal DNS server(s).  To find
it, type "dig".  Look near the
bottom for "SERVER:".

DNS is a big topic.

Bob Miller                              K<bob>
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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