
The thing I *really* wish Gentoo had was a sort of
stable/testing/bleeding portage tree system.

I know they have the stable and unstable (~x86) thing.  But having a
stable portage tree that doesn't get many updates and all security fixes
back ported would be really helpful, I think.

Sometimes I think if I had to build my server again I'd use something
like Ubuntu Server.  But then I think of how flexible Gentoo is on
customizing packages and then think it's the best choice.  I vacillate.


On 20061207.0915, Mr O said ...

> Stop that. I'm trying not to reconsider Gentoo on my main system
> and you are not helping. 
> --- Rob Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >  -----Original Message-----
> > The shell script handles that case.  It looks at what failed
> > and uses equery to
> > see what packages depend on the failed package and removes
> > those from the
> > list...
> > 
> > 
> >     echo "*** $failedpkg compile failed, skipping."
> >     # Is there a package in 'emergelist' that requires the
> > failed pkg as a dep? If so, remove it too.
> >     failedpkgdeps=`echo $failedpkg | sed 's/-[0-9].*//'`
> >     deps=`equery depends $failedpkgdeps | sed '/^\[/d' | sed
> > 's/-[0-9].*//'`
> >     for each in `echo $deps`
> >     do
> >       if [[ -n `cat $emergelist | grep "$each"` ]]
> >         then
> >         if [[ -n `emerge -p $each | grep "$failedpkg"` ]]
> >           then
> >           each2=`cat $emergelist | grep $each | sed 's/\=//'`
> >           echo "$each2 (depends on $failedpkg)" >> $failedlist
> >           eachsed=`echo $each | sed 's|\/|\\\/|'`
> >           cat $emergelist | sed "/$eachsed/d" > $emergetemp
> >           mv $emergetemp $emergelist
> >           echo "*** $each depends on $failedpkg, skipping."
> >           else :
> >         fi
> >         else :
> >       fi
> >     done
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