I spoke to the president of our company at ORCAS asking about the possibility of hosting EUGLUG in our conference room. He's for the idea but does want to bring it up at the weekly management meeting just to make sure.

So while it isn't an offer yet, there's a chance. I should here a final yeah or nay sometime late next week.

How would that work for EUGLUG?

The location is near 11th and High St with parking for about 10 depending on how many are working late. Mike Miller can talk about network if we need it.

Potential caveats:

There was some mention that a weekly ORCAS hosting might be too much but bi-weekly or monthly may work better.

Mike or I (or another ORCAS person) would have to be in attendance and EUGLUG would be a guest. If one of us couldn't make it the space wouldn't be available.

Also, ORCAS does have a monthly board meeting and I believe they are also on Thursdays. So some shuffling may need to happen if both meetings conflict.

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