WELL SAID, Larry :)

I was feeling a bit to the right there for a while, re-reading what I wrote
in regards to net neutrality, that is... and kind of wanting a solution on
the backbone.  Net chiropractor, anyone?

Does this compare well to the postal service (or ups/dhl/etc.)?
My package contents are scanned to make sure I'm not trying to deliver
that is essentially threatening, either to recipient or to the delivery
infrastructure itself.
And on the backbone, I don't know how one would expect to be untraceable...
the sense of privacy we can claim now has limits, like neighbors with
microphones, telescopes, passive wifi gear, and so forth.

And to Woody (aka Silver, read your post whilst composing this) -- well-said
also, educating leaders will be crucial to the
survival not only of humanity through the information age, but to the
survival and
well-being of our own species Geekus.

Idea:  Maybe EUGLUG could put on a presentation for the City Club of Eugene?
Their meetings get aired on KLCC radio, which is also webcast :)
http://www.cityclubofeugene.org/mission.html seems to fit with their



PS - bonus material for those interested:  23C3 conference in Berlin, talk
is "Automated Botnet Detection and Mitigation", and video is
copyleft/creative-commons AFAICT
or grab torrent at:  http://www.mininova.org/tor/558684
also see:
(there is one entry on honeyblog which shows an bot's popup message, stating
that the FBI is scanning this computer and it shouldn't be touched for the
next 5 minutes!)

On 2/12/07, larry price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 2/12/07, Russ Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I like the fact that most ISPs have taken the attitude that they are
> just a piece of wire in the circuit.

That is the essence of net neutrality. On a practical level though
most ISPs do engage in some filtering/packet shaping/rate limits  and
all of them have terms in their AUP regarding their right to terminate
service to endpoints that degrade the functionality of the network.

> I didn't ask them to protect me from myself, and I appreciate the fact
> that they aren't acting like big brother.

I've had to deal with several DDOS attacks over the years, in a couple
of cases the value of the service time lost to the attack was in the
thousands of dollars. Botnet infections are a crime that sets the
stage for further crimes; someone has to be the sheriff.

On the other hand I don't necessarily want to live in a world where
every message is traceable to its source and every action can be
scrutinised by anyone. I don't expect that particular tension to be
resolved in my lifetime.

I want ISPs to cooperate with law enforcement in tracking down crimes
on the network, I also want law enforcement to operate under STRONG
judicial oversight aimed at protecting the rights and privacy of the
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