Just a thought to bootstrap the development of our new web presence...

We've talked in the past of migrating our site to Django[1] and there are some ideas for the website in the archives here and on the webdev list[2]. I'd like to round up interested persons and lay down some dates over the summer to get this off the ground.

If you're interested in helping, let me know so we can better divide up responsibilities. Also, let me know which aspects of the project you're interested in. Areas might be: Django development, Web design (HTML/CSS), sub-areas on the site (maybe you want to integrate Google's calendar to the website in some way, or build a EUGLUG book library sub-app for the site), etc.

I'm thinking this might work well following the Google SoC idea -- we talk about features we'd like but ultimately it's up to volunteers to step up and contribute. If we focus on this summer (like Jun - August?) it could go quickly. And it would be a lot of fun.

First steps:
* Identify volunteers and potential sub-projects
* Lay down some approximate dates for milestones

Anyone interested?  Thoughts on if this will work out or not?


[1] http://www.djangoproject.com/
[2] http://euglug.org/pipermail/webdev/2006-October/000040.html
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