On Fri, 2007-04-20 at 07:22 -0700, lorraine wrote:
> After much research, we are going to use a donor tracking database called
> ebase. ebase will help us manage donors, prospects, volunteers, activists,
> and email lists. ebase is designed to help us become self-sufficient.
> ebase is open-source software so it doesn't cost our organization any money.
> We need someone to volunteer to help us set up the database. If you have
> prior ebase knowledge, open source experience, or database experience, can
> you help us?

I've never heard of Ebase.  (Maybe DBase?)
So I took a look at the Ebase.org website.

To download ebase, one needs to fill out an online application with an
email address, address.

Small *snip* from the website.
"All fields in the form below are required to have data in them.
Download instructions will be sent to your email address."

And of course, this one-liner from the front page, 
"ebase can help you raise more money"

Me pokes pun here and says, "Does this mean if I download 600MB of free
software, I should be rich by now?" ;-)

Another thing, Ebase seems not to be present within Gentoo's Portage.
Nor does a proposed ebuidld or any mention appear in any bug reports.

I do very little work with databases these days, but just thought I'd
put in my two cents.  Why Ebase?  Are there compatibility reasons?
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Fri Apr 20 12:14:54 PDT 2007

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