Randal Schwartz is coming to town (save your Santa jokes for the meeting):

   Randal Schwartz
   6:30pm Tuesday, May 15 -- Eugene City Brewery (downstairs)

   When you have hundreds of people simultaneously patching 25000 files
   of the Linux Kernel in sometimes conflicting ways, you might need some
   scheme or plan to sort all that out before you can build your next
   kernel and reboot. The Linux team uses "git" for their source code
   repository management, a homegrown solution that is optimized for
   highly distributed development, working with huge sets of files,
   merging independent work at multiple levels, and seeing who broke
   what. (Git has also since been notably adopted by the Cairo, x.org,
   and Wine teams, and is being transitioned to by the Mozilla
   codebase). In my talk, I describe what "git" is and isn't, and why you
   should use it instead of CVS, Subversion, SVK, Arch, Darcs, Mercurial,
   Monotone, Bazaar, and just about every other repository manager. I'll
   also walk though the basic concepts so that the manpages might start
   making sense. If I have time, I'll even do a live walkthrough, where
   you can watch how fast I make typos.

   Randal Schwartz is a two-decade veteran of the software industry. 
   He is skilled in software design, system administration, security,
   technical writing, and training. Randal has coauthored the "must-have"
   standards: Programming Perl, Learning Perl, Learning Perl for Win32
   Systems, and Effective Perl Learning, and is a regular columnist for
   WebTechniques, PerformanceComputing, SysAdmin, and Linux magazines.
   His offbeat humor and technical mastery have reached legendary
   proportions worldwide (but he probably started some of those legends

Our meetings are the THIRD TUESDAY of every month at 6:30pm (please do
not arrive before 6pm) in the downstairs room at the Eugene City Brewery.
Information on meetings, mailing lists, etc can be found at itproforum.org.
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