Looks like I was right in my prediction that major media would be
intervening in the Wikileaks.org case. The judge allowed their participation
as amicus curae for the hearing yesterday without ruling on whether their
motions to intervene would be allowed (that requires a round of  briefing).
But here is the list of the  amicus parties from the judge's pre-hearing
order. <http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/files/whites_questions.pdf>.

The Court will permit the following parties to appear as amicus curiae for
purposes of the hearing on the application for preliminary injunction:
Public Citizen, California FirstAmendment Coalition (collectively "Public
Citizen"); Project on Government Oversight,American Civil Liberties Union,
Inc., American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, Inc.,Electronic Frontier
Foundation, Jordan McCorkle (collectively "Project on Government Oversight";
and Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, the American Society of
Newspaper Editors; the Associated Press, Citizen Media Law Project, The E.W.
Scripps Co., Gannett Co., Inc., The Hearst  Corporation, the Los Angeles
Times, National Newspaper Association, Newspaper Association of America,
Radio-Television News Directors Association, and the Society for
Professional Journalists (collectively "Media Outlets").

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