This sounds very good.  Could we get this presentation at one
of the LUGs so that non-professionals could attend?
  If it's true that we're all here to help others,
  then what exactly are the OTHERS here for?

> Wagn -- John Abbe
> 6:30pm Tuesday, Apr 15th -- Eugene City Brewery (downstairs)
> John Abbe <> will do a demo and Q&A on Wagn, the
> most powerful effort he's seen incorporating structure into wiki,
> which is why he started working on it. Wagn is general purpose,
> free/open software written with Ruby on Rails and AJAX-y goodness, and
> was conceived by Ethan McCutchen and Lewis Hoffman (of Eugene
> non-profit Grass Commons), when they wanted to build a community
> editable system for company and product information, and no existing
> software would do what they wanted. John will show off Wagn's core
> innovation of "plussing" card names to create implicit structure among
> them (and explain why we call them cards instead of pages), as well as
> transclusion, cardtypes, templating and WQL - the Wagn Query Language.
> If you want to take a look at Wagn before April 15, see <>
> and click on "Request an Invitation" to get an account.
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