Allen Brown wrote:
I want a folding bluetooth keyboard to work with my Nokia N800
(running Linux). Any recommendations?
Here are a few that I found via google:
They all seem to fold down to about the same size. And that size
is just a little large. Ideally it would fit in the Nintendo DS
case along with the Nokia. (I bought the case for the Nokia, not
for a Nintendo.) That limits it to about 5.5" by 3.5".
I seem to recall seeing some sort of device that projects an image of a
keyboard onto a desktop. Of course it needs to be smooth and flat (and
probably clean) to work, but...
I don't think the device is particularly large, so it might make for a
compact option for fitting in the case.
I think it was in ThinkGeek I saw the thing...
Matthew S. Jarvis
IT Manager, MCP
Bike Friday - "Performance That Packs!"
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