I've decided to go ahead with the Linux Learner Loaner project (L3.)  I'll
be working on my own, but I felt it would be appreciated to have some
awareness / input by the EUGLUG.  I will post a explanatory video on YouTube
to get the ball rolling. After some potential input from the EUGLUG I will
produce a finished video as an introduction to the potential teacher
participant (K-12.)  I will be soliciting participants through the Eugene
Neighborhood Associations; and, do to my limited mobility as a bicyclist, I
will be restricting participants to a range I can support (to be

I will provide all the hardware to include: computer (1.1 GHz Celeron, 512
RAM,) KVM switch, USB Modem (if needed,) router (if needed.)  Lorraine if
your monitoring I could use a power cord for an HP all-in-one
printer/scanner to see if it's working and I can integrate it.  I'll give
you the model number when I hear back from you (it's at the shop.)

The loan duration is the summer school break.  I will deliver, recover the
equipment, and provide phone support during the loan period.  This first
summer will be an introduction to the hardware, wiping the computer,
installing Ubuntu 8.04, and understanding the desktop, connecting to the
Internet, and some simple applications, such as how to burn a CD, etc.

I will be including a Video CD to provide training modules on each phase of
the learning process.  These modules will be designed for ease of use and
simplicity of technical jargon.  Future summer's will involve arts program
and science program emphasis.

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