On Thursday 11 February 2010 16:01:11 Kent Loobey wrote:
> On Wednesday 10 February 2010 21:11:47 larry price wrote:
> > Most of you have probably already heard something about Google's plan
> > to trial a fast fiber to the home service somewhere in the United
> > States.
> >
> > You can read about it straight from the source.
> >
> > http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/02/think-big-with-gig-our-experimenta
> >l. html
> >
> >
> > I would like to to encourage everyone who gets this message to go to
> >
> > http://www.google.com/appserve/fiberrfi/public/options
> >
> > Right now.
> >
> > And fill out the form nominating Eugene as a test site for the
> > advanced high speed network.
> >
> > Things worth mentioning.
> >
> > Eugene has no current fiber to the home provider.
> >
> > Eugene has a highly educated workforce and a relative scarcity of
> > local employers.
> >
> > Eugene has a high percentage of telecommuters.
> >
> > Eugene has a lot of artists, musicians, dancers and others for whom a
> > true high speed network could open new markets and create new economic
> > opportunities.
> >
> > Eugene has an existing public utility that could partner with google.
> > And is also the location of an internet peering facility that is
> > currently underutilized (OIX http://www.oregon-ix.net/ )
> >
> > A high speed network would create new jobs and would reshape the
> > economic landscape of Eugene and Lane County.
> >
> > Please pass this on and encourage everyone you know who cares about
> > the economic future of the lower willamette valley to visit
> >
> > http://www.google.com/appserve/fiberrfi/public/options
> > and nominate Eugene as a test site.
> I believe that Eugene should and will (How could they not?) apply to be a
>  part of this program.  So if they do it will really help their (our) cause
>  if a large number of residents also nominate Eugene.
> When Eugene gets the network then we really need to get to work developing
> some applications to utilize it.  :-)

Google is looking for demonstration of the value of a high speed Internet and 
how we could demonstrate that value when we are in the trial.

So I think it would be useful to get together and brain-storm on what we 
(Eugene) could do with a high speed connection that we couldn't do with what 
we currently have.

> > Thank you for giving this your time and attention.
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