On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 4:05 PM, larry price <lapr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Here's a nice intro to gnome-open which is what you would want to use on 
> ubuntu
> http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/12/16/gnome-open-open-anything-from-the-command-line/
> in OS X you would use open

Not quite what I was hoping for since it apparently offers no choice
dialog. By way of further background, I'm working with Lua embedded in
an outliner, NoteCase Pro, which has builds for about 55 different
platforms. The app includes APIs for scripting the export of documents
and an API that returns the path of the document last exported to. The
latter API makes it feasible to script actions upon the exported file

I'm hoping for a method that would allow the user to choose the
program to open the exported file in. E.g., if export type is HTML,
enable the user to choose between opening it in their choice among
different browsers or their choice of a plain text editor or other
HTML editor. All without knowing in advance what the choice would be,
paths to executables, etc.

The Windows command line in my first post handles the situation
nicely. That leaves only 53 or so supported platforms to go. :-)

I'm thinking at the moment that the way forward might be to modify the
outliner so that the user can map the apps to use with various export
file types and create an API that returns the desired mapping.

It's a bit touchy because the HTML is exported with UTF-8 set as the
character encoding, so editing the HTML with a text editor that
doesn't properly support UTF-8 is problematic. Going the mapping
route, we could pop up a warning while the user is seting the mapping
that the text editor must be set to support UTF-8 encoding. That's
something we can't do with the Windows dialog.

So this might be even better.

Thanks for the assist.

Best regards,

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