I am relatively new to the group (also went to ITProForum for the first time 
last night) so take my opinion with a grain of salt…  

I had been meaning to come to meetings for quite some time but it's easy for a 
time and date to get lost in a flurry of email. If there was a Facebook event 
people got invited to, as well as regular reminders on Google+ and/or Twitter, 
it might help other people like me actually make it to a meeting once in a 

That said, I think those things should be used primarily to promote the group 
rather than making them yet another venue for discussion… at work our tech 
group has a mailing list, a blog, a wiki and probably something else I am 
forgetting. There is no clear purpose for one or the other, so communication is 
pretty fragmented and people use one or the other depending on personal 
preference. I would not want to see that happen here.

To sum it up: I like the idea if it stays focused and doesn't pull activity 
away from this list.

Thanks for listening!

On Wednesday, July 20, 2011 at 3:17 PM, Ben Barrett wrote:

> I wish to ask the group:  (as in, whomever cares to read, consider, and 
> respond)
> Do we as a group want to use social networks to further the group itself?
> It seems to me that we're free to carry on and be unique as members, of 
> course,
>  but that we might want to agree as a group about some of this.
> There doesn't seem to be much interest in growing the group, lately;
> maybe this is because the ITProForum is filling the hungry niche,
> or everyone's busy working and linux is no longer just for the zealous.
> Curious,
> Ben
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