[image: image.png] Tartes Flambées and couscous, [image: image.png] Beer race, [image: image.png] Spike Ball, [image: image.png] Good beers, [image: image.png] Our usual Alsatian aperitif pack, [image: image.png][image: image.png]Evenings under our famous Franck hall, [image: image.png] A bit of Ultimate with players of various nationalities... [image: image.png] And much more! That's what it takes for a fiery atmosphere : you know the KYM magic formula! So cancel your relocation, forget your aquapony course, postpone your cousin's wedding and be there *from June 30 to July 2 in Sélestat, Alsace, France!* [image: image.png] Prices, registrations, format, theme, regulatory mustache size… All this information is coming soon, so stay warm and follow this page : *https://www.facebook.com/events/1061544764708549/ <https://www.facebook.com/events/1061544764708549/>*
👋 Usual mustachioed greetings, The KYM crew
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